Thank you for trusting A.R.M. & Associates, Inc. with your debt(s) collection needs.  Our goal is to treat your customer with the dignity and respect they deserve while providing you and your staff with unparalleled service.

Please fill out the form for faster service.  Completing this form does NOT obligate you to become a client.  Upon submitting this form, we will contact you to discuss collection procedures and your options. 

If you like to begin collections immediately, download the attached form and fill out completely.  Attach the following and email, fax, or mail to our office:

  • Supporting Invoices
  • Statement of Account
  • NSF Check
  • Other documents you feel necessary

If you prefer to speak to a live agent, call our Corporate Office toll free at (866) 701-4868.

Phone: (630) 439-1022
Fax: (630) 439-1024


Your Company NameCompany ContactCompany Address, City, State, Zip CodeContact Phone NumberContact Email AddressCategoryIndustryAmount Due in CurrencyBrief Description of the Debt

Please verify you are not a robot and answer the following: 3 + 9 = ?  

Related Links  : Claim Form


A.R.M. & Associates, Inc. offers a full-service, intensive collection program for recovering past-due accounts from businesses and individuals who have not responded to your request(s) for payment. This program involves the use of trained/certified collection professionals, effective letters, experienced skip tracers and more.  Our collection program offers you an opportunity to maximize your collections without litigation.

A.R.M. & Associates, Inc.

1275 W. Roosevelt Road, #111
West Chicago, IL 60185

Toll Free (866) 701-4868
(630) 439-1022
Fax: (630) 473-4701

| ARM and Associates 2015 All Rights Reserved |